need hair style to fit my age 54Looking for hair styles for women 50+?
why dont you just google under images hair styles for adults and there will be images that pop up or ask your stylist what would be the best hairstyle to suit youLooking for hair styles for women 50+?
What you need is a hairstyle to fit your personality!
If you want to change the existing one you have now, there are hairstyle magazines at Barnes %26amp; Noble Bookstores, Borders, These are the ones in my area.
Also is there someone on TV with a style you like?Newscasters? The morning Talk shows? Today, Good Morning America? You could look through another magazine called MORE, which is for women 40 %26amp; up... Look through US magazine, and People magazine at celebrities, anything there?Keep looking...
Feel 54, not look 54...Whatever that means... Sounds good anyways!
LOL...Good Luck.
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