
Is it more attractive to a guy for a woman to have longer hair or shorter hair ?

I was just wonder wich one was more attractive?Is it more attractive to a guy for a woman to have longer hair or shorter hair ?
It's a male's personal preference but, longer hair denotes femininity more so than short hair.

More important though is the smile, honesty and personality underneath that hair.

But whichever you choose, just be sure it's clean, soft and smells good.Is it more attractive to a guy for a woman to have longer hair or shorter hair ?
i think that shorter hair is more attractive because once you get it cut very short, people are going to admire the new you.
I know a lot of guys who like long hair if it is well maintained...I guess they like to get their hands into it. :-)

But I think guys like it either way, depending on the girl and how she wears it.
Definitely longer hair!
im a guy.

i think long but not too long.

a bit past shoulders.

hope that helps.
Longer!!!! Guys like women, not ones that look like boys!!
Well, it actully matters what kinda boy you like. Some boys like long. And others like short. I herd most boys perfer long.

If your trying to get a boy ask a friend of yours to ask what he likes

the you can cut or grow your hair.
it depends on the guy i had long hair when i met my husband but he likes my hair better shorter he doesn't like long hair but my ex did and it also depends on what looks better on you
longer hair defintly short hair is so final long hair you can always do something with it
I prefer bald headed girls with uni-brows.
My hubby says it doesn't matter. Long or short or medium-length, straight, wavy or curly, as long as hair is clean, smells nice and fits your face shape (and you don't look like Miss Piggy of the Muppets...or Margie Simpson--of the Simpsons)...then you are one great-looking gal!
To me it is more attractive in the way she acts.!!
It depends on what the peticular guy's style is and how the girl fixes her hair.
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