
Do you think Britney Spears will go to hell for shaving her head since women are supposed to have long hair?

The Lord takes care of fools and angels. He loves us all. Now, with this point put forward, know that Britney has had an extensive amount of problems. As we are all human beings, with problems, I wish her well. With God's help, He will extend his love and compassion to her. Britney has a lot on her plate right now. Please pray for her and ask God to give her the assistance she needs. I wish you peace, optimum health, prosperity and a God-endowed, Happy New Year.Do you think Britney Spears will go to hell for shaving her head since women are supposed to have long hair?
I think that if hell exists, shaving her head is the least of her worries in regard to being condemned there!Do you think Britney Spears will go to hell for shaving her head since women are supposed to have long hair?
Hahahaha...sorry,but I had to laugh.She may or she may not go to hell,it cant be said with certainty.Right now, she has other worries to handle.
cutting her hair is not what will get her to hell, not accepting Christ is the reason she won't be in heaven- but I really think she has lot more to be concerned about then her hair right now, don't you?
';God gives women long hair';.....all 3 of my babies (2 girls, 1 boy) were born almost completely bald. Either my girls were cheated or that is a false statement. And all three of them would have very long hair if we never cut it. So by the same logic, men who cut their hair are bad.

God also gave me my precancerous moles but you better believe I'm not going to just leave them on my body.
Actually, and I don't know if you're Christian or not, so please forgive if you aren't, the Bible says that if a woman goes into public without covering her head, her hair should be shaved.

No, I don't think Britney's going to wear a head covering when she grows it back. Lol, why worry about her head if she doesn't mind the world seeing her netherparts?
Women are not supposed to have long hair, that is not the correct interpretation of that verse. It means keeping the covering of God, not literally hair.

Britney will most likely be judged for other things that are sins. That is entirely up to God.
No. Britney Spears will NOT go to hell for shaving her head.

Britney, like everyone else on the face of this planet, will go to hell if they have broken God's Laws (refer to the list of the 10 Commandments), and rebelled against His authority, committing high treason.
No. her list is to long for other thing to go there for.
Are you like one of those pilgrams on ';Little House on the Prerie'; ??? you know with the long hair and odd looking clothing, and the obsessingly long haired women..etc...etc...
God doesn't care about hair, he cares about his children.
No , although she might go to hell for other sins.
Oh absolutely :)
That's the last thing she will go to hell for!
Then she's got a lot of nuns for company.
what? lol.

Britney spears might go to hell for being a bad parent but for shaving her head...?

Its not against anything to shaving your head- Besides cancer patients lose their hair and go bald.

Theres no crime in having no hair.
No, that was part of Levitican law which is no longer applicable since the arrival of Jesus
Trust me, her hair would be at the bottom of a long list of reasons she's be going, so the hair reason sounds stupid.
Apparently, she shaved the other end, too. Wouldn't shaving her head be small potatoes compared to that?

Oops! Forgot that we are dealing with the bible here!

Never mind.
She was on her way there long before she shaved her head.
i don't care about her.
If Britney Spears repents her sins, she will go to heaven. All the things she has done are forgivable.
who says women are supposed to have long hair?
That is the least of her worries, right now.
Uh, men are supposed to have long hair as well. Do you recall the story of samuel and how he derived his strength from long hair?

