
How long will i my hair grow in two months by me taking one a day vitamins.for women .?

ive been taking it in decemberHow long will i my hair grow in two months by me taking one a day vitamins.for women .?
GNC has a supplement called ';Nourishair'; that makes the hair grow faster, you can read what's in it by googling it. Be warned these pills are HUGE and you have to take 2 a day.

Also ProCaps labs sells a ';hair skin and nails'; formula that does the same thing, supports hair growth and health, and is smaller and easier to swallow.

If you take only Biotin alone, make sure you take at least 2.5 milligrams or 2500 micrograms [the same thing] a day because thats' a good amount to take. I use the Nourshair supplement from GNC now and my hair is growing faster than it did, but it took about 6 to 8 weeks of daily use to see results.How long will i my hair grow in two months by me taking one a day vitamins.for women .?
hair only grows about a 1/4'; normally. Vitamins will not speed up the process much.
3/4 inch!
Better than one a days.....get pre-natal vitamins.....Work much better! Good Luck!
I agree with the person who suggested prenatal vitamins. They really do work. Your nails will grow faster, too. Warning: They have a tendency to make you feel hungry ... so be careful.
vitamins are really great if you have a deficiency in your diet, however, as a rule, hair on average grows only 1/2 inch a month. the reason for the average is because everyone is different and your own hair will grow faster at times and slower at others, mostly based on hormones(wish i could tell you how or why or when) take your vites, massage your scalp daily and treat your hair like fine fabric, it'll be long before you know it! good luck
I'm not sure,but I hear that the more you ';play'; wit yo hair the more it grows....I think its the oils from your hand but I dont know...Good Luck!
vitamins exactly doesnt effect so much on the other hand its about your genetic..But normally it grows 0.4-1 cm in a month
3 inches
2 cm
just get a wig... then your hair will look super long
hair grows an average of 1/2 to 5/8 an in. a mo. But, in warmer states studies show hair will usually grows more along 3/4 in. a mo.

You also have to remember if you have slit ends you can loose length that way. Your hair continues to grow, but w/ dry or split ends you get breakage. If you have dry or split ends you need to get them trimmed for longer, healthier hair.

