
Question for the Men: Do you prefer women with long or short hair......?

...please give a reason why.Question for the Men: Do you prefer women with long or short hair......?
As long as its not long hair under her Arms or ';Spiders Legs'; poking out her knickers I dont care..................

If I think theyre beautiful, they could have any hair style they like and still make me Melt into a big Puddle..Question for the Men: Do you prefer women with long or short hair......?
I can speak for my fiancé - he only likes long hair on women. Mine is waist length and he always says he'll go mad if I get it cut short. He always says girls with short hair look really weird.

Not that I wouldn't cut it short if I wanted to, I used to have it short and absolutely love how long it's gotten
Well ........If hard pressed ....I'll have to say ....long beautiful hair ........

because I like to see her fool around with it ....change it in different ways while we are dancing or playing ......but I have some friend with very cute shorter hair dos also ..... I think it must fit the girl and her personality .....
I've always preferred short...they just seem more attractive as it shows more of their natural beauty...however,if they have a long jawline,longer hair can sometimes suit them better.
I don't care how long it is, as long it's well taken care of, and shiny! :-)

Also, I am not a fan of girls with buzzcuts.. that's about it! :-)
The longer the better. Short hair looks like she just doesn't care what she looks like, wants it to be easy to take care of more than looking sexy.
it really depends on the face structure ... on some faces short hair look really great rather than long hair and vice versa!!

in my opinion i would go for hair about your shoulders length hence not short and not too long...!!
I like my hair long but short can look lovely and cute also, just wanted to see what everyone saying, hope you don't mind.
i like women period...its not the hair that makes the woman...ok, long, nice smelling hair, enough to hold on to.
Pointy face short hair Long face short hair. Me? I like you just the way you are.
Usually long hair. Most women look better with long hair. But some women can pull off the short hair look. Those women are sexy too!
Short to Medium... I like it better

Long hair because they look more feminine and I think it is sexy when they put it in pigtails.
Long. The longer = the sexier :) Long and straight uhhhhhhhhhh :)
Long hair!! Short hair isn't that attractive. makes them look like boys!!!! Medium is fine.

No guy wants to say his girl has shorter hair then him!!!
It really isn't up to me. And I have no preference.
it doesnt really matter.
Not really bothered so long as they are comfortable with eit ..... have dated ladies with both......
i just find longer hair more attractive. its beautiful
i would say medium, just past the shoulders
in between
Hehehehe....just poppin' thru Hun!!!

My husband prefers longer hair.
long //
in the middle


