
For business people only, can long hair on a woman over 40 be professional-looking?

My hair is about halfway between my shoulders and my waist. I keep it trimmed and back behind my shoulders and don't wear any silly children's bows or anything like that. I've looked online and haven't really found an answer, so I just want to know if long hair can still make me look professional, or do only women with short hair (I suppose so they'll look more like men) have that professional edge?

Serious replies only please.For business people only, can long hair on a woman over 40 be professional-looking?
I'd cut it. That's too long for a professional woman, particularly in her 40s. There are those who say you shouldn't wear your hair below the shoulder after 35. On the other hand, there's nothing to say you have to wear it short, either.For business people only, can long hair on a woman over 40 be professional-looking?
I think long hair can definately look professional. I tend to keep it out of my face when at the office either with a very simple clip or making a low ponytail w/ a simple black band.
ok - i feel that if YOU are comfortable with your hair style, length, and color AND it isn't a daily hassle to style it then it is right for you. however, is there a reason you want to keep it so long? (it should be because you like it that way, not your husband or boyfriend) one thing that is important is that we don't want to hide behind our hair. as a professional woman, you want your work and accomplishments to be remembered, not your hair. it would show a lot of self confidence and self esteem to cut some of your length off (very liberating). just think about your objective. you can have long hair and look professional - see a stylist that specializes in long hair and have her/him cut your hair into a more up to date style that is still long and feminine.
that is a very good question and food for thought. I'm 40 and I've worked in what I consider to be a somewhat conservative office in Los Angeles. However, I am in the music industry and even though my office is a bit more conservative than it should be, given the industry, I wear it longer because it's really curly and it just works better for me to have it long. I think the key factors are the following: If long, it needs to be well groomed-as in a very good haircut and cover the gray. If you have a good style about you then you also can pull off long hair but if it's gray and you don't want to color, that starts to look awkward. The key to long hair is the style. NOTHING is worse than women with 50% or more gray, long and ungroomed hair. We all see those and it's gross to me. It looks like a hippie trying to fit into city life. I think it's all about the person's overall persona. If the clothes, makeup and overall style all work together, longer is okay. If any of those factors aren't something you can embrace, you are much better off having it shorter BUT it does not need to look like a guy. I think it's just basic good grooming to have a nice, well groomed cut in an office environment. Appearance matters regardless of what any of us want to believe. It matters. If you walked into an investment firm and wanted to invest $300,000 and the female financial planner who was 41 looked scraggly and not well kept, wouldn't you feel a bit nervous about your money? I know I would. We judge first by appearance and that starts when we're children. I think based on what you described that your hair is too long. I think below the shoulders is considered long and that's where yours should fall. When it hits the bra strap, that's when it's your cue to cut. :)
of course it can, as long as it is kept neat and tidy. If it is horribly damaged, covered in split ends, or just plain messy, then no, but as long as it looks nice, tidy and clean, then deffinitly yes.
Wear it up? that seems too obvious, so I must be missing something here.
as long as your well groomed it doesn't matter. But if you want to try something different you Can do some easy styles. Make a low pony, then split in the center of the pony and poke the tail through. Braids are nice as well. take a pony and wrap a piece of the tail hair around the base and pin it. this covers the band and looks fun and stylish in a simple way. As long as you trim 6-8 weeks and you use good shampoo and conditioner I see no problems with you wearing your hair down.
keep ur hair neat and clean. try to leave it so, its away from ur face.

clean facial appearence also, looks a bit professional. put on 2 coats of mascara and a light shade of pink lipstick to ur lips
In my opinion, if your hair is straight you shouldn't wear it down with nothing done to it if you want a ';professional'; look. Trying something as simple as parting it to the side a little, trying long bangs, or just blow drying it with a voluming mousse. I suppose that some people do look more professional with short hair, but it just depends on someones face structure. Honestly this is just an opinion based answer and no one can have the right answer.
it depends on your hair type. For instance, if your hair is thin, a shorter style (shoulder length or less) will do. It also applies to very thick hair like i have. I wont let mine get too long becuz it looks heavy. I think shoulder length hair is the way to go becuz you wear it up or down. If it is too long, it can make you look much older than u really are.

