I really like my very long hair but I'm past 40.Do you think a woman ever gets too old for really long hair?
No! The average mid-length (shoulder) hair is very mom-ish and boring. Long hair is great at any age as long as its properly maintained and healthy. Keep your long hair if you like it!Do you think a woman ever gets too old for really long hair?
Umm yeah i really dont think you should have really long hair past like 30 but like I mean a little below shoulder length is ok, just not down to your butt.
Wear your hair long if it is flattering to your face and you feel your best when you wear it that way.
It is regal and classy. Ask your hairdresser for ways to make it healthy and shiny.
You should be who you are and if you look good with long beautiful hair then keep it by all means!
Remember 'age' is just a state of mind. I am 41 and look and feel like I am in my 30s. I have long beautiful healthy looking hair that keeps me looking years younger than I really am.
no never
I think it depends on culture. I noticed on the mainland us most older women have short hair and I hated it! here in hawaii, most women, of all ages, seem to have long hair. I love it!
turns me on
no its probably very pretty but when its down it might be a little wierd but i think it would probably look very nice if you put it in a low long braid
I should not be about halfway down your back, around shoulder length would be great. If you don't look 40 then it depends on how old you do look
It depends. I think that a woman should leave her hair about shoulder length or shorter by the age of 50 or 55. Some people it depends on though, because of the structure of their face.
I dont think so. My mother is 45. I cut her hair every 3 months. It grows faster than mine.
well if it is pretty i would keep it long and pretty! i have really long hair and people seem to like it and i'm 13 and when get past my 40 or 30 i will be asking the same question so don't cut and keep it pretty!!!!!!!!!! you go girl
i don't think so , but older women do look much better with shorter or shoulder length hair.
I think long hair is beautiful! You go girl!
Yes, a woman does get too old for really long hair. Though that age varies from person to person.
A good rule of thumb to determine if your too old for your really long hair is simple; do you have the strength to brush it?
If the answer is yes then your not too old yet.
There are other factors to consider. Do you have chronic neck pain? Does your significant other find the really long hair an attractive feature?
Is your really long hair preventing you from getting that long sought after job at McDonald's ;) .
As long as you like yourself ,wear your hair as long as you wish. Just don't trip over it...
nah i dont think so
Find styles that suit the shape of your face eg// updo's. Maybe have it trimmed slightly.
It is als0 very simple. It is n0t necessary t0 gr0w 0ld t0 get a l0ng hair. T0 have a l0ng finger nail is it necessary t0 very 0ld? N0, n0t at all. It is the same thing f0r y0ur questi0n als0.
i hate!!!!!!!!!! how older ladies cut their hair so short. i told my mom whos over 40 that i would never let her cutt her hair that short, she wouldnt anyways. i dont see why u have to cutt your hair just because ur older, i think long hair is gorgeous and wouldnt it make u look younger anyways??
no i don't think a woman ever gets too old for really long hair
I'm 50 and I have long hair that is past the middle of my back. I love having long hair. I think as long as your happy, that's all that matters. I look way younger than my age, so I don't worry about it.
If you keep up with it and it's healthy, you're never too old. It seems like a lot of women let themselves and their hair go, and it gets ratty. Avoid that and you're good.
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