im 15 and im in a thrash metal band and i have shoulder length hair that i keep clean and take good care of, some of adults i know (mostley rednecks) make jokes about it saying its girly. do you think its girly for men to have long hair. i wear it because it goes with my personality it looks very metal and it gives me an ultimate feeling of screw what everyone else thinks.For men and women both. do you think guys look girly with long hair.?
Well, my badass biker dad is about as far away from girly as you can get and his hair is almost halfway down his back!
Also, my boyfriend has hair just under his shoulders and its sexy, not girly.
Long hair on men is sexy and cool. I understand the redneck issue, I live in a town full of them and they'll give the guys with long hair a hard time. But, they're the only ones that do. Everyone else either likes it or could care less.
Stick with that mentality of screw what other people think! As long as your keeping your body healthy and you love who you are, no one else's opinion matters! For men and women both. do you think guys look girly with long hair.?
Okay... sometimes yes...sometimes not. If your look looks metal then no you dont look girly...But i have met SOOOO many of my little sisters guy friends (shes 15) that have straitened and hairsprayed their hair, swoop it to the side like they have bangs to flip it out like a girl would. Personally if your gonna be a guy with long hair, then be a GUY with long hair...a bit messy (not dirty) but dont come out looking like you spent more time on your hair than your girlfriends..Im sure your hair is fine. I personally love a bit shorter of a cut but a bit of a mess.
i'm 15 also,
the shoulder length hair is a little long, but thank goodness you keep it clean that is one of my pet peeves so good job on that.
It would only be girly if you wore bows etc.
screw them, there rednecks make fun of them because they use duck tape on everything and that makes them....CHEAP
Nice to hear from another fellow long hair. My hair is waist length. I am a 7 foot 300 pound half breed native american. I am not bothered by rednecks for obvious reasons. I am pro woman and not girly at all.
I am proud of you and your attitude. Great job. I like the clean thing and free from split ends.That is my style
It depends on the facial features of the person wearing the hair, some guys can pull it off and some can't.
Generally shorter hair looks more masculine but long hair can look just as masculine if the wearer has masculine facial features.
I love long hair on guys. It's really attractive. Specially shaggy and edgy long hair I love it. And babe there's nothing girly about long hair. ;] It's extremely eye-catching.
I think guys with long hair dont look good at all
I love guys with a more mocho looks with short hair or even a buzz cut
I like wentworth miller's hair cut from prison break, mmmm soo manly
no...not girly...I love it...very sexy...just let it grow...and keep it very clean...that's a turn on!!! In Bible times Samson had long hair.....he lost his strength when it was cut!!! Rock on~~~~~~~~~%26gt;with LONG HAIR!
sum guys can rock it out %26amp; sum cant.
i think the ones that can are those with either very defined and masculine facial features or have sumthing rugged about a five o`clock shadow or sumthing.
NO! There was this guy in my school with long hair and it was beautiful!
And then he cut it! (he's such an idiot)
if you put like a sidebang in.
but i don't like it split in the middle.
it would depend on the curves of the face.. i think..
No. Not at all
guys with long hair are SEXY!
no because since u dress like wat u said and since ur in a thrash metal band(which is awesome!) its fine..not girly
i think its rlly hot
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