
If it's a sin for men to have long hair then why did jesus? Was Jesus a woman?

Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him

1 Corinthians 11:14If it's a sin for men to have long hair then why did jesus? Was Jesus a woman?
Now post a quote where it says that Jesus had long hair.If it's a sin for men to have long hair then why did jesus? Was Jesus a woman?
This verse is not about ';long hair'; but about the NATURE of male v. female attributes disclosed to the viewer. Remember this was during a time of HUGE homosexuality with male prostitutes in the pagan temples offering their services to anyone with money to pay. This was a time of HUGE trans-gender and cross-dressing within the pagan cults across all of Europe, Asia and Africa.

God demanded the Israelites to show their masculinity as men and femininity as women so that there would be no guessing as to who was who and who was what.

Their hair had little to do with it. Except, women were supposed to keep their hair long. Again, why is this? Because many women prostitutes (in the pagan temples) shaved their heads bald in their acts of pagan worship. God could not contend with it.
Well, if you spent the time to READ the bible (or hear about it from a friend on the web, as I pressume you ACTUALLY did), then why didn't you have the consideration to interpret it as something more than just black and white text? It simply says that man should act within nature of man, and woman in the nature of woman. It's not like Paul to protest specifically against one matter. Especially one so trivial as the length of one's hair.

And Jesus having long hair? Please. I'm sure you yourself have tried to fight the argument that the English perception of Christ is misconstrued. So don't even try and pull that bogus stuff. You're a joke.
More of Paul's drivel which is often misinterpreted. He was only pointing out that in his opinion, if a man let his hair get too long, he would be ashamed. No sin involved. Our artist's renderings of Jesus and the apostles, while consistent, are very likely inaccurate.
Are you stupid or something? Because saying something like, ';was Jesus a woman'; is totally idiotic and absurd. Maybe you should watch what you say and write and think about it for a second. Lets say that you die and you find that Jesus is real and everything in Bible is real. It could cost you. And just to answer your stupid question, NO Jesus was not a woman, you **** head!
Where does it say Jesus had long hair?

It was custom only in certain areas.

And the reason that the Bible is in the fiction section of some libraries is because the majority of the stories in there are parables, not to be taken literally.
we don't know what Jesus looks like those are only interpretations. The only truth is God's word there are many things in religion that do not match up with the word of God (the Bible) and we have to be careful to be as biblical as we can.
The bible talks about a sect called the nazerines who did not cut their hair. It is not sin for a man to have long hair if he looks like a man. If you read the chapter it is about men looking like women and women looking like men.
another great oxymornish hypocritical statement, brought to you by the bible
it's saying that trannys are no good.

the normal hair length for men in jesus' time was shoulder length. jesus' hair was the same as anyone else's, or judas could have just said ';go arrest the long hair girly looking dude';
Christ fulfilled every bit of the Law, every aspect. ';Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.'; -- Leviticus 19:27
that would be ironic
haha good question
down with religion
No one knows what Jesus looked like. The Bible is mute about His looks.

