
At what age is too old for a woman to have long hair?

40 something, they would look younger and chic with shorter hairAt what age is too old for a woman to have long hair?
There is no ';age'; limit for long or short hair.At what age is too old for a woman to have long hair?
Never too old for long hair.
Age is an attitude.
I don't think there is age limit for women in long hair, depends on their looks.
109 comes to mind.
45+ or 40+ sometimes

i hate when old people try to dress young! ahh its so annoying
There's no age limit to have long hair
i dont think it matters. hair or no hair. still beautiful

but maybe 70.
I don't think there is an age, as long as it looks good %26amp; they don't try to make it to young looking.
what kind of a question is this woman should always have long hair
My next door neighbor never cut her hair in her entire life. She died at age 86 with all of it on her head. Looked good, too.
Over 45.
i don't know why people think there should be an age limit.

i do not see that many older women with long hair, but there are a few out there.

i just had my hair cut 19'; earlier this year. (i am in my 50's)
as soon as gravity takes over the face get a nice cut.
i dont think your ever too old to have long hair as long as it is well-groomed and not frizzy

